While we attempt to display current and accurate data, this listing may not reflect the most recent transactions or may contain occasional data entry errors. Marine Connection makes no warranties, express or implied, regarding the content or availability of the products described herein. All inventory listed is subject to availability and prior sale. Please consult selling agent for details. Prices are quoted in US Dollars (USD) and may not include transportation, taxes, or other applicable charges. We offer a number of financing options with approved credit. If you are planning to use our financing services, please pre-qualify by calling us at 877.497.2552. Boat must be paid in full before delivery. All boats are charged a $399.00 administrative office paperwork fee, for Florida residents we also collect sales tax plus a $199.00 registration fee. For Miami residents, we collect a discretionary sales surtax of 1 on the first $5. 000 of any boat purchase. Currency conversion is displaye d for informational purposes only. Exchange rates can fluctuate hourly and rates for actual transactions may vary.